Thursday, 3 October 2013


Fig.1 .The four pillars of the resilient teacher.

What is resilience?

The term resilience was first used in an ecological sense where it meant the ability of a species to adapt to a changing environment. In human terms it is the capacity to “face,overcome and be strengthened by adverse experiences”,Grotberg(1997).The beginning  teacher  starting out on their journey  will need to be resilient to meet the challenges of  every day life in the classroom.

The four pillars of resilience in the novice teacher are pedagogy, relationships , grace and self efficacy. These are human strengths, each supports and is supported by the other and together they confer resilience on the beginning teacher and enable him/her to ride the challenges of their first year.

Pedagogy as practical problem solver.

The pedagogy of learning helps  to find solutions to the dilemmas teachers  face every day in the classroom. From research evidence about  learning styles, the nature of cognitive development,the source of  behaviour and motivation we can decide how we will teach. The pedagogy of education  with its focus on a curriculum that supports learning for the 21st century tells us what we will  teach. The pedagogy of classroom management gives us the techniques to connect with the students and be ourselves in the classroom. “We use the techniques that enable us to reveal who we are and from where our teaching comes.”(Palmer,  2009)p25.

Self efficacy.

For God gave  us a spirit not of fear but but of power love and control.Timothy 1.7

Self efficacy is the belief a person has in their capabilities to be in charge of their life . Teacher efficacy is a collection of personal beliefs about ones capability to exercise control over specific circumstances in teaching. .(Ferreir Kerr,20  ). Gibbs(2003) believes a teacher’s self efficacy is a predictor of teacher effectiveness.This  is because they are able to visualise themselves as teachers,they are capable of self reflection and to act on the new knowledge that come out of self reflection.



For the beginning teacher developing relationships  and accessing support is key to surviving in their first year.(Ferrier-Kerr,).Relationship building occurs both within and outside the classroom. Teaching  is a productive partnership (Reichart  et al.2010),Palmer (2010 p.26)calls it “an ancient human” dance,where  the teacher connects with the students  and develops a relationship   based on trust and respect. In addition, the beginning teacher needs to establish relationships within the school community with colleagues and support staff for these will assist with not only material resources but also provide intellectual,social and emotional  support.

Grace is the fourth pillar that makes up the foundation for building resilience in the  beginner teacher.It  is the internal cornerstone of one’s personal and professional commitment to becoming a teacher.It is comprised of one’s integrity, values and faith all of which define who we are and who we will become as teachers. Grace is the light of Christ that shines through our “integrity,passion and clarity of purpose as  we serve our students”(Sybesma,2009).
Armed with pedagogical knowledge,supported by friends and colleagues,strengthened by a belief in one’s  own ability and  “walking with God  in the classroom “, a beginning teacher is ready to face the challenges of the first year.

Do not be discouraged because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9




Ferrier Kerr,J. (2012 ). Moving into the profession. In C. McGee & D. Fraser (Eds.), The professional practice of teaching (4th Ed.pp 290-305). South Melbourne,Australia: Cengage Learning.

Grotberg,E.H. (1997). The international resilience project  presented at the international council  of psychologists conference.Graz,Austria  in Tait,M .,(2008 ) Teacher Education Quarterly,Fall.

Palmer,P. (2007). The courage to teach.San Francisco.Jossey Bass.p25

Reichart, M. & Hawley,R. (2010).  Reaching boys.An International Study of Effective Teaching V19 N4

Sybesma,L. (2009). Teacher : Christlike Servant.Christian School Teacher,3-6.


Van Brumelen,H. (2009). Walking with God in the classroom.(3rd Ed).Seattle.WA:Alta Vista College Press.


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